Land Surveying for Cadastre and Land Registration

Land Surveying for Cadastre and Land Registration
  • Cadastral surveys
  • Division of land plots
  • Land use planning
  • Digital orthophoto for renewal of cadastral maps
  • Restitution and set out of parcel borders
  • Access to the land registration registry (GDB)
  • Access to the digital cadastre (DKM)
  • Corrections to the cadastral map

Meixner has been appointed a Consulting Engineer for Surveying and Photogrammetry in 1975. This license defines a very important step in governmental outsourcing of a governmental task to a small group of highly educated, experienced and dedicated group of geodetic experts permitted to produce proven public documents per-se which can without further examination be transferred into the governmental cadastre data base with all its juridical consequences. This is the traditional back bone of MEIXNER long lasting surveying activity in Austria.

This includes subdivision maps, the fixing of boundary lines, the reconstruction of boundary lines, the setting of disputes between neighbors, and the legally binding representation of property owners versus government.

Plan (pdf)